Did YOU know?
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? This expression was coined over one hundred and fifty years ago. But is it fact or fiction? Having done our research some experts agree, an apple a day does keep the doctor away, while others believe it’s a myth. However, the majority of studies have found that the humble apple is good for you. Let’s get the kids involved in some fruity fun which will leave them wanting more!
Let’s start at the very beginning!
One thing we know for sure is that many children prefer to have an ice-cream rather than eat a piece of fruit. For parents across the world this has become a daily battle, trying to persuade their children to eat more fruit. So many pieces of fruit are packed lovingly into school snack boxes daily, only to arrive home half eaten. Allow us to share with you a fun activity to get the children involved in, while creating their very own fruity art snacks at home.
Your Five a Day! Top Tips for a Family Fruity Art Activity
Choose a day with your child for a Fruity Art Activity. Sunday is usually a family day, so perhaps that might be a great pick as the whole family can get involved. This is a great way to get your child eating fruit regularly while having FUN!
Plan to go fruit shopping with the family. Before you leave home decide on what fruits you want to buy for the activity. Perhaps you have decided to create Apple Frogs with banana eyes or Kiwi Caterpillars with strawberry faces. Make a fruit list with your child so they can be fully involved in the shopping trip with you at the market. Remember any left-over fruit can be made into fruity smoothies!
With the shopping over, it’s time to start the fruity art activity. Once the fruit is washed and chopped by parents, give everyone a fruit plate and let the creating begin. Make sure you take a photo for a memory before you EAT them!
Find a comfortable place to sit down as a family to eat together. Ask the children what they enjoyed the most about the activity. Plan the next fruity art activity. Let the children choose what they want to make for the next fruity fun Sunday, using different fruit!
Wondering where you can find more ideas, want to create a Rainbow fruit pizza? Don’t worry we have it covered! Check out ‘’Hello Yummy’’ for more FRUITY fun art creations. Just head over to helloyummy.co/rainbow-fruit-ideas/ Enjoy!
With 40 years of expertise and 70,000 alumni, Lorna Whiston is committed to helping children develop a lifelong love for learning, and the confidence to become whatever they want to be.
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